2 min read

[Old] Blog Collection

Table of Contents

Working with the blog collection:

The blog collection is found in src/content/blog.

πŸ“ /src/content/blog
└── πŸ“ post-1
      └── πŸ“„ index.md
└── πŸ“ post-2
      └── πŸ“„ index.mdx

In the above example, two blog posts will be generated with the folder name representing the slug.

  • https://example.com/blog/post-1
  • https://example.com/blog/post-2

Provide metadata

Metadata is required for each post.

title: "Blog Collection";
description: "How to add posts to the blog.";
date: "2024-03-21";
draft: false;
titleYesstringTitle of the content. Used in SEO and RSS.
descriptionYesstringDescription of the content. Used in SEO and RSS.
dateYesstringMust be a valid date string (able to be parsed).
draftNobooleanIf draft: true, content will not be published.

All that’s left to do is write the content under the metadata.

title: "Blog Collection";
description: "How to add posts to the blog.";
date: "2024-03-21";
draft: false;

## Working with the blog collection
<!-- content -->